Ein unvergessliches Abenteuer in Alicante, Spanien

My experience as an exchange student

Have you ever dreamed of living in a foreign country as a local and getting to know a different culture? That’s exactly what I experienced when Erasmus+ took me to Alicante, Spain, as an exchange student. The moment I landed in Spain, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. I can definitely say it was a great experience, and I’m really thankful that I was part of that program.

One of the best parts was living with my host family. They welcomed me with open arms, and I quickly adapted to many of their routines and lifestyle. Every day during that month, I learned new things — not only at the local high school I attended but also at „home“ with my host family, where I experienced a completely different culture, curriculum, and school schedule.

I was in the same class as my host brother, which allowed me to observe how teachers conduct their lessons in another country. It was fascinating to see. They treated me as if I was one of their own children, which I especially noticed when they took me everywhere with them, from meeting their entire family to playing paddle ball or visiting the quaint town of Altea, for example.

It was also quite easy to meet a lot of new people through my host siblings and at the school I attended. I met many nice people and also made some new friends. From my experience, you probably don’t have to worry about making friends as long as you are open to meeting new people, just like the locals at your exchange school.

In conclusion, if you were thinking about being part of an exchange program and had reservations, I hope my experience encourages you to give it a try. You can benefit from it in so many different ways. It was a life-changing experience for me, one that I will never forget!

Victoria had the opportunity to attend our long-time partner school, IES Radio Exterior, in Alicante, Spain, through an Erasmus+ exchange program.